Having an awesome design and great content is not all you need to have a successful blog. From information gathered-what you've seen, read, big money can be made from blogging and so you jump in, however, you need to do more, much more

Below are five things to do to start out right in your quest for a successful blog. Happy blogging.

1. Choosing Your Niche

Working with a popular niche indicates that there is big audience available for that niche, hungry for whatever information you throw at them and most important of all, there is money to be made. Not that you cannot succeed following your passion, but more often than not, the bloggers that do well do so with blogs that they are passionate about in a popular niche

2. Provide a solution

Offer what people want and not what you want them to want. Yes you can write great content, unique and well composed but hey, if it does not proffer a solution or quench a yearning, it will not do well. You have to search for what they want and give it to them. Do some research, look at what others have written that has done well, make it better and leverage on it. Don't try to reinvent the wheel, build on what works already. Your content has to be as useful as possible.

3. Advertise To The Right Audience

There are a lot of ways to advertise and several platforms or which to do it. However, you have to select the most suitable one that will project you to the right audience. You can check out forums that discuss the type of content that you cater for. Comment, (make sure they are useful ones) then make use of backlinks to take them back to your site. Offer guest post and answer questions often. Social media is another avenue you can explore, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest and others are available.


4. Grow A Following

If you have good stuff then people will want to hear and read about it. One of the best ways to do this is to build a mailing list. Take them by the hand and teach them how to accomplish a task, a step at a time. But make sure you know what you are talking about. The web can be very unforgiving. Networking with other bloggers also gets you more traffic and helps to Share your posts. You must establish yourself as an authority in your chosen niche.


5. Diversify your Revenue

If you have good stuff then people will want to hear and read about it. One of the best ways to do this is to build a mailing list. Take them by the hand and teach them how to accomplish a task, a step at a time. But make sure you know what you are talking about. The web can be very unforgiving. Networking with other bloggers also gets you more traffic and helps to Share your posts. You must establish yourself as an authority in your chosen niche.


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