7 Reasons Why You Are Not Making Money Online

I started my first blog several years ago with very little information and understanding of the workings of a blog and how not to fail at it. Armed with the little Knowledge i was able to garner, as my patience would permit me, i jumped into it with all enthusiasm. I posted one or two scrawny articles and kept checking my revenue. Of course it did not come and i started to get discouraged.

The above is a personal testimony which unfortunately a lot of bloggers can relate to.

Below are some of the salient reasons why people (bloggers and online writers) fail to make money online.



1. Not Taking Action

People sometimes wait indefinitely before starting their online business. They read, buy products, subscribe to newsletters but still are hesitant to start working on what they have chosen to do. For some it could be the fear of failing that keeps them back or just plain old laziness. The more you delay, the more time that you could have used to build up and learn what works and what doesn't you lose. You've got to take the plunge



2. Unrealistic Expectations

The online success Stories you read or hear about inspires you to start yours and in little or no time expect that huge return on investment which was highly insufficient to start with. Any online business takes time to build, from starting and nurturing it to maintaining it, to keep it viable. The success does not come overnight although most people want to make money right away.


3. Inadequate Information

A lot of people start out without getting to know the basics of making money online. After several attempts to get my blogging back on track (because i quit several times) i realized i knew next to nothing about what i was doing. I put everything on hold and i began to read and learn as much as i could. With Sufficient knowledge, i relaunched and put everything i had learnt into use and i began to see changes. The learning did not stop there, i continued to learn on the go.


4. No Patience

Most aspiring online entrepreneurs want to throw the coffee in the water and see it turn brown immediately. It doesn't work like that online-you've got to be patient. Success online does not come overnight, there is a lot of work to be done. Anyone telling you otherwise is only wasting your time and not helping you. Any business regular or online requires a lot of input to make it a success.

5. Inconsistency

Consistency is very important for an online business, for any business for that matter. You must keep working at it constantly till you achieve the desired result. You must work hard equally in every area so it can all come together nicely. Do not jump from one method or technique to another, follow through thoroughly and evaluate your progress carefully after sufficient time to decide whether to try a different approach or not.



6. Wrong Ideas

The web is full of loads and loads of information but hey, not all of them are useful. Some will just confuse and set you off track. You have to learn to sieve through data and pick out those that will help you. There are info-preneurs in all fields trying to shove one product or the other down your throat with one hand and the other reaching down your wallet. Don't be in a haste to part with your money. My advice to you here is to follow due diligence


7. Failure To Build A Following

You've got to build a following if you are to do well in your online business. This you can do by building a trusting relationship with your audience. Let them get to know you, get familiar with your style and deliver always making sure your products are top-notch. This you can do by taking advantage of social media platforms.



It is possible to make money online. What you should know is that it takes time, effort and perseverance. Learn what works for you and don't be in a haste to jump upon every offers scheme you come across. With time, you'll find your footing.


5 Ways To Write Great Content That Sells

The main reason why you are writing the blog post at all is because you want people to read it because you think (or know) that you have something to share with them that will enlighten them and help them to solve a problem.

People have a short attention span when they read online. They come to your page, check the layout and scan through your content. If they like it, they stick around. If not they are gone-to where they will get what they are looking for.


Bottom line- your post must make an immediate impression if you want to have any meaningful share of web traffic. Let's go
1. Make sure you address a specific problem


People come to your blog because they are looking for information which gives knowledge and they lack that knowledge. You MUST make sure you provide it. Remember, information is power and people want power, at least, I do! Don't let people go through your content and come away feeling that they wasted their time. Like i wrote in another post, the web can be very unforgiving. Audience lost can be hard to regain. You have to be sure your content is well targeted. Your content can also be based on questions that people ask or submit to your site


This is the first thing that attracts your reader, what makes them want to read your article; after all, you do the very same thing when searching for articles to read. The title must grab their attention and make them want to know what it is all about. Ways to achieve this include

- Using educational and instructional titles.

  Example: How to write killer Content

- Insert a sense of urgency

  Example: How to rapidly increase your conversion rate

- Numbering your points in your title attracts readers

  Example: Eight hindrances to success



3. Clear and related Images


Statistics show that articles with photos or images get over 90% more views than articles that do not. Hey, an article with clear nice pictures attracts me too. Ensure the image is connected to the article, don't put the image of people at a football match in a topic about business interaction, and make sure the article is of good quality. This is bound to attract readers.

4. Write Killer Content

Creating quality content is very important in online publishing. Substandard material can dent your image and ruin your brand and leave you for forsaken. Content you create must hold your audience, make them yearn for more and looking forward to the next post because they know they will enjoy reading it, therefore creating a good first impression is very important.

5. Write engaging and actionable posts

In the body of your post, be sure to embed material that will engage them, want them to take further action that will of course help them to be better at what they do or answer their questions.

You can also buttress your content with statistics and data that are easy to interpret or interpreted for them to drive home the point.

Take Away
Writing an article that will captivate your Reader cannot be left to chance. It requires proper research and planning that if done well, will keep your audience flooding. Good Luck.







Having an awesome design and great content is not all you need to have a successful blog. From information gathered-what you've seen, read, big money can be made from blogging and so you jump in, however, you need to do more, much more

Below are five things to do to start out right in your quest for a successful blog. Happy blogging.

1. Choosing Your Niche

Working with a popular niche indicates that there is big audience available for that niche, hungry for whatever information you throw at them and most important of all, there is money to be made. Not that you cannot succeed following your passion, but more often than not, the bloggers that do well do so with blogs that they are passionate about in a popular niche

2. Provide a solution

Offer what people want and not what you want them to want. Yes you can write great content, unique and well composed but hey, if it does not proffer a solution or quench a yearning, it will not do well. You have to search for what they want and give it to them. Do some research, look at what others have written that has done well, make it better and leverage on it. Don't try to reinvent the wheel, build on what works already. Your content has to be as useful as possible.

3. Advertise To The Right Audience

There are a lot of ways to advertise and several platforms or which to do it. However, you have to select the most suitable one that will project you to the right audience. You can check out forums that discuss the type of content that you cater for. Comment, (make sure they are useful ones) then make use of backlinks to take them back to your site. Offer guest post and answer questions often. Social media is another avenue you can explore, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest and others are available.


4. Grow A Following

If you have good stuff then people will want to hear and read about it. One of the best ways to do this is to build a mailing list. Take them by the hand and teach them how to accomplish a task, a step at a time. But make sure you know what you are talking about. The web can be very unforgiving. Networking with other bloggers also gets you more traffic and helps to Share your posts. You must establish yourself as an authority in your chosen niche.


5. Diversify your Revenue

If you have good stuff then people will want to hear and read about it. One of the best ways to do this is to build a mailing list. Take them by the hand and teach them how to accomplish a task, a step at a time. But make sure you know what you are talking about. The web can be very unforgiving. Networking with other bloggers also gets you more traffic and helps to Share your posts. You must establish yourself as an authority in your chosen niche.


8 Tips To Make Your Blog More Readable

  H   ow quickly and how easily information can be obtained from a blog post depends on the readability of the post....