Best Tips To Writing More Engaging And Effective Headlines


If a reader decides to click on your article and read through it, or not, but instead scrolls on to other articles on other sites, it is more often than not determined in a few seconds by what they see - the headline hanging over your article. Your headline should be actionable- that is, clicked on, and shared. The traffic you get is dependent on the headline of your article, be it from search engines or social media.


What is an article headline?

Simply put, it’s the distinct text at the top or head of an article, giving an insight into, or reflecting the nature and category of the article. It’s like a summary of the contents of the article.


7 Types of headlines

Ø Direct Headline

Here the reader has a clear idea of what your article is about and that is what they expect to see. The headline is a summary of your content

    Example- “5 gases that cause global warming”


Ø Indirect Headline


The reader only has a vague idea of what the article is about

    Example- “Global warming-causes”


Ø Question Headline

This asks a question to be answered in the body of the article

    Example- “Are electric cars really eco-friendly?”


Ø How to Headline

To let readers know the steps or processes involved in solving a problem or accomplishing a task. It increases reader engagement.

    Example- “How to make money blogging


Ø Command Headline

These headlines instruct readers on what to do. It is often used when dealing with products and services and compels them (readers to take action).

    Example- “Do this, and make your tires last longer”

Ø The Reason Why Headline

Usually used when the article is made up of information in list form.

    Example-14 Practical Steps To Gain Massive Traffic


Ø Controversial Headlines


Controversial headlines can go viral fast, as it can easily polarize the audience pitching them against each other from opposite sides of the divide, - right up to pitch fork levels. But seriously, things can get really heated up because people’s feelings and emotions are involved.

   Example–“Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted, what happens next?”


How long should an article headline be?

Article headline length is an aspect that is often overlooked, more often than not, because of ignorance of the way it can affect your click through rate. But even when you become aware of its importance, how long would you want to keep it? It’s all centered on grabbing the attention of the readers.

    Factors that matter-

Ø Context words- These are words that trigger attention and evoke emotions, leading to better user engagement. A headline that can be taken in or read at a single glance appeals more to readers. Usually the first and lasts few words are focused on. Trying to put the context words within the first seven or eight words is a good idea, if possible.


What Makes A Headline Catchy?

A catchy headline is extremely important in order to get your readers to engage with your article- how they do this? By reading through the article and acting on it e.g. commenting and sharing.

Below are 4 helpful guides towards writing good headlines

Be specific

Your headline should be straight to the point. Studies have shown that most readers read only the headlines and move on, - that is if they think they are not going to get what they need from your article, going by your title or headline. Your headline should reflect what your article is about and how it can help them solve their problems or provide solution to their needs.


What is in it for them?

Headlines that hint on specific benefits and attributes tend to catch and hold attention. Offer them value for their time and money (after all, it costs money to be online). Are they learning something new, helpful? Of course, they should.

What makes you click?

In your research and searches online, what kind of headlines catch your attention? Observe these carefully and analyze how they were crafted. Break them down into elements and use that to formulate your own headlines.


Keep your headlines as simple as possible. Use plain regular words, easy to understand and digest.

Tools available

There are a number of headline tools available to assist you in your quest for that ideal headline. They can help analyze and rate your headline .These include tools like   

-      Coshedule

-      Portent Content Idea Generator

-      Sharethrough Headline Analyzer

-      Sumo Kickass Headline Generator

-      Impact Blog Title Generator


Take Away

Article headlines deserve all the attention you can give them. It draws readers to your articles or repels them away, and make sure your headlines correlate with what the body of your articles talks about.

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